Increased chance of SPAM/phishing mails in Science mailbox   cpk

The RU contract with the anti-SPAM/anti-phishing service Proofpoint expired September 21, 2023, which means that ‘Proofpoint End User Digest’ mails are not sent anymore after that date. C&CZ is migrating Science mailboxes to the anti-SPAM/anti-phishing service of Microsoft Exchange Online Protection. There is an increased chance of receiving SPAM/phishing mails in the Science mailbox during this migration period. P.S. the RU central mailboxes (with addresses ending in have already been migrated to Microsoft Exchange Online Protection....

September 14, 2023 · updated April 17, 2024 ·  Erik

E-mail and spam   howto

E-mail The faculty of Science has its own mailserver where the e-mails are stored. You can reach this mailserver using a mailclient like thunderbird or one of our webmail clients: Roundcube Rainloop The mailserver has limited space, so we’ve set an initial limit (quota) on the size of the mailbox to 5 gigabytes. When you are notified that your mailbox is getting full, the preferred response is to clean up, for instance by removing the attachments of the largest e-mails in your Sent folder....

April 25, 2023 · updated April 17, 2024 ·  Peter