New DIY website live on Thurday March 20th   news

After our previous news message concerning the new implementation of DIY, we are now ready to announce: The new DIY will go live on Thursday the 20th of March. The previous DIY server will be kept running on If there is are things that work in the old one, but not in the new one, please let us know. The old DIY will be turned off on the first the 11th of April 2025....

Updated Mar 27, 2025  ·  Miek Gieben · Created Mar 14, 2025

lilo access with managed SSH keys and ip range   news

We have updated the authentication process for login servers after a succesful test we announced in CPK#1383. As of now, your ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file on lilo is ignored!, instead you can send us your public ssh key (contents of the .pub file) to keep for your account. This change is designed to prevent bad actors from easily gaining persistent access. For convenience we have added the keys we have found in homedirectories that were added or modified after we restricted access to lilo, if your key is from before December 9th, you will need to send the public key to us....

Multifactor authentication for Science accounts   news

At the end of last year we’ve promised an update on how we are planning to make access to our services more secure. In this post we expand on those plans. In short: we are going to deploy 2FA on Science accounts and make it mandatory for services that are reachable from the internet. How this all works from an organizational standpoint is, at this point, not complete clear yet. Do we need a “in-person” vetting procedure?...

Updated Jan 27, 2025  ·  Miek Gieben · Created Jan 27, 2025

New version of Mathematica 14.2.0   news

A new version of Mathematica (14.2.0) has been installed on all C&CZ managed Linux systems, older versions can still be found in /vol/mathematica. When connected wired or wireless on campus or through VPN, the software for Windows, Linux and macOS can be found on the C&CZ Install disc. During the installation you must specify: License server: License: L4601-6478 According to the Mathematica Quick Revision History: “Version 14.2 introduces a powerful tool in Tabular, which provides a very streamlined and efficient way to handle tables of data laid out in rows and columns, with hundreds of other functions enhanced to make use of its special features....

Science services behind VPN   news

Due to a phishing attack targeting science accounts, and the subsequent abuse of RU mail servers to sent out spam and phishing from valid science e-mail accounts, we were forced to employ a set of defensive measure as evident from cpk/1381, cpk/1382, cpk/1381. To prevent further abuse (and disruption) caused by compromised accounts, we have had to temporarily restrict access to some science services. These services include: Anything related to e-mail: Roundcube, authenticated SMTP, IMAP, and POP3....

Updated Dec 20, 2024  ·  Bram Daams · Created Dec 11, 2024

New DIY website   news

C&CZ has been working to replace the current DIY website to make it easier to add new functionality to it. This work included a rewrite of the website and a large part of our tooling to the Go language. Taking the Dutch term for DIY (Doe Het Zelf - DHZ) prefixing it with Go, this resulted in the codename “godzilla”. A pre-release of this new website is running on Note this site is fully functional (modulo bugs), so any changes made there are really being made to your science account....

Updated Dec 10, 2024  ·  Miek Gieben · Created Dec 9, 2024

Science VPN services to be discontinued   news

The Science VPNsec and OpenVPN service will be discontinued as of 2024-12-01 (1 Dec 2024) 2024-11-26. To ensure continued secure access to our network, we recommend transitioning to eduVPN, our officially supported VPN service. This was first announced in February 2024. If you have any questions or require assistance, feel free to contact us.

Updated Nov 26, 2024  ·  Miek Gieben · Created Nov 21, 2024

New version of Mathematica 14.1.0   news

A new version of Mathematica (14.1.0) has been installed on all C&CZ managed Linux systems, older versions can still be found in /vol/mathematica. When connected wired or wireless on campus or through VPN, the software for Windows, Linux and macOS can be found on the C&CZ Install disc. During the installation you must specify: License server: License: L4601-6478 According to the Mathematica Quick Revision History: “Version 14.1 introduces the unified Wolfram application and expands Wolfram Language by offering new tools for working with neural nets and LLMs, for finding differences in content, for working with images and videos, and for exploring scientific evaluations through biomolecules, astrophysics and more”

Hardware repairs   news

Recently, the Radboud news reported that students can have small repairs to their laptops done in the RUpair-shop without any labor time being charged. For students and employees of FNWI, the C&CZ helpdesk provides a similar service. Stefan Reijgwart and Dominic van den Broek in particular are specialists in repairing laptops, among other things.

Matlab R2024b available   news

The latest version of Matlab, R2024b, is available. The software and license codes are directly available for Science accounts and can be requested by other entitled users by sending mail to the helpdesk. The software can also be found on the install-share. All C&CZ-managed Linux machines have this version installed, the older version (/opt/matlab-R2024a/bin/matlab) will be available temporarily. The C&CZ-managed Windows machines will not receive a new version during the semester to prevent problems with version dependencies in current lectures....