Test of Ubuntu 22.04 on Linux login server lilo8   news

As a test of the new version of Ubuntu, 22.04 LTS, we have installed a new login server lilo8.science.ru.nl. In a few months it will replace the four year old login server lilo6. The name lilo, that always points to the newest/fastest login server, will then be moved from the two year old lilo7 to the new lilo8. The new lilo8 is a Dell PowerEdge R6515 with 1 AMD 7502P 2....

June 22, CCZ will move to HG00.051   news

To make room for the expansion of IMM departments, C&CZ will move June 22 to the ground floor of the Huygens building. The C&CZ helpdesk will still be directly accessible on the main street with an entrance at HG00.051.

Maple new version: Maple2022   news

The latest version of Maple, Maple2022, for Windows/macOS/Linux can be found on the Install network share and has been installed on C&CZ managed Linux computers. License codes can be requested from C&CZ helpdesk or postmaster.

Matlab R2022a available   news

The latest version of Matlab, R2022a, is available for departments that have licenses. The software and license codes can be obtained through a mail to postmaster for those entitled to it. The software can also be found on the install-disc. All C&CZ-managed Linux machines have this version installed, an older version (/opt/matlab-R2021a/bin/matlab) is still available temporarily. The C&CZ-managed Windows machines will not receive a new version during the semester to prevent problems with version dependencies in current lectures....

New version of Mathematica (13.0.1)   news

A new version of Mathematica (13.0.1) has been installed on all C&CZ managed Linux systems, older versions can still be found in /vol/mathematica. The installation files for Windows, Linux and macOS can be found on the Install-disk, also for older versions of Mathematica. Installation and license info can be requested from C&CZ.

Survey computer labs and BYOD   news

FNWI asks lecturers and students to fill in a survey about the computer labs. The reason is that the Faculty of Science plans to remodel its teaching rooms in a multifunctional way, with computer labs that use ‘Bring Your Own Device’ (BYOD). This means that the existing computer labs (terminal rooms, TK’s) in the Huygens building will be phased out in the coming years. In order to plan the further implementation, we would like to request your input on the current use of the computer labs by means of a survey in order to determine the pace and which alternatives may be needed to replace the various current uses of the current computer labs....

New version of Mathematica (13.0.0)   news

A new version of Mathematica (13.0.0) has been installed on all C&CZ managed Linux systems, older versions can still be found in /vol/mathematica. The installation files for Windows, Linux and macOS can be found on the Install-disk, also for older versions of Mathematica. Installation and license info can be requested from C&CZ.

Malicious network traffic will be blocked   news

In the process of handling the Log4Shell vulnerability, it was decided to use the Intrusion Protection of the FortiNet firewall for all RU network traffic. Don’t hesitate to contatc us if you experience drawbacks.

Yearly backup during Christmas break   news

Just like every year during the Christmas break, in the next weeks a full backup of many servers/filesystems onto tape will be made, that is preserved a long time. This will have the effect that servers will sometimes react slower during this period.

GitLab Pages installed   news

C&CZ recently installed a GitLab Pages server. With GitLab Pages, you can publish static websites directly from a repository in GitLab. To publish a website with Pages, you can use any static site generator, like Hugo, Harp, Mkdocs, or Hexo. You can also publish any website written directly in plain HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. More info and documentation in the GitLab Pages documentation