New version of Bookings   news

Last week, a new version of the Bookings Platform for Scientific Devices has been released. Together with Emendis, we have given the application a total make-over: not only the look and feel have changed, but also the underlying technique has been revised. From now on, we will use SurfConext for authentication. We wish to thank all colleagues who helped us to test the new application, and in particular, we thank Fred Melssen for all his efforts in the last years....

Science software licenses URL   news

All license info, including the license codes, are now readily available for all Science users at the Science license overview page for the Science software managed by C&CZ.

Matlab R2024a available   news

The latest version of Matlab, R2024a, is available. The software and license codes can be obtained through a mail to postmaster for those entitled to it. The software can also be found on the install-share. All C&CZ-managed Linux machines have this version installed, the older version (/opt/matlab-R2023b/bin/matlab) will be available temporarily. The C&CZ-managed Windows machines will not receive a new version during the semester to prevent problems with version dependencies in current lectures....

Maple new version Maple2024   news

The latest version of Maple, Maple2024, for Windows/macOS/Linux can be found on the Install network share and has been installed on C&CZ managed Linux computers. License codes can be requested from C&CZ helpdesk or postmaster.

NI LabVIEW license prolonged and new version   news

The license for the LabVIEW from NI has been prolonged until April 16, 2025. This license is for the versions 2022Q3 and higher, that use a subscription model. The new 2024Q1 software can be found on the C&CZ Install disc. The license server is: In order to be able to check out a license, names of pc’s and/of users have to be entered by C&CZ in the license server. For remote pcs this DNS suffix has to be added to the IPv4 DNS configuration: science....

New version of Mathematica 14.0.0   news

A new version of Mathematica (14.0.0) has been installed on all C&CZ managed Linux systems, older versions can still be found in /vol/mathematica. When connected wired or wireless on campus or through VPN, the software for Windows, Linux and macOS can be found on the C&CZ Install disc. During the installation you must specify: License server: License: L4601-6478 According to the Mathematica Quick Revision History: “Version 14.0 continues to expand the scope and breadth of our computational coverage while streamlining and polishing existing areas....

SageMath on loginservers and JupyterHub, Digital Security and Math clusternodes   news

The free open-source mathematics software system SageMath version 9.5 has been installed on Science loginservers and JupyterHub, Digital Security and Math clusternodes. The mission of SageMath is to create viable free open source alternative to Magma, Maple, Mathematica and Matlab. SageMath builds on top of many existing open-source packages: NumPy, SciPy, matplotlib, Sympy, Maxima, GAP, FLINT, R and many more. Access their combined power through a common, Python-based language or directly via interfaces or wrappers....

New Intel compilers (oneAPI Base and HPC Toolkits)   news

The newest versions of the Intel compilers, available under the name Intel oneAPI, do no longer require a license, they are freely available. The 2023.2 version has been installed on C&CZ managed Ubuntu systems, clusternodes with Ubuntu 22.04 and loginservers. When these compilers are available, the module command module avail will list among others “compiler/latest”. Then e.g. the Intel C (icc) and Fortran (ifort) compilers can be used after typing...

SSH   howto

SSH Secure Shell SSH is used to get a secure terminal-connection to a login server. All Linux loginservers can be reached with SSH client software, not only on the standard port 22, but also on ports 80 and 443. NB: as of December 2022, not all science logins are allowed to login on the login servers anymore. Should you have trouble logging in on our loginservers, please contact postmaster. Recommended SSH client software Windows: MobaXterm....

OriginLab   howto

OriginLab Origin by Originlab is scientific graphing and data analysis software. License C&CZ acquired a network license for FNWI for the use of OriginPro. One can get the software and installation/licensing keys of OriginPro from C&CZ system administration. The network license can only be used by computers on the Internet. For standalone use, there are home-use licenses included. The current support contract ends August 2026. If you get a message that the license will expire soon and you are using a standalone version you can update the license by clicking on Activate in the Help menu....