T-schijf   howto

T-disk On pc’s in computer labs which are managed by C&CZ, not only the S-disk is available but also the T-disk (a network share). On this network share, a large number of programs for a large number of courses is available that can be run directly from this share (no local installation on the pc necessary). Lecturers can manage the course software themselves. These programs may also be used on pc’s that are not managed by C&CZ....

National Instruments LabVIEW on Install network share   news

To make it easier to install NI LabVIEW for departments that participate in the license, all DVDs of the “Fall 2013” version have been copied to the Install network share. License codes can be obtained from C&CZ helpdesk or postmaster. When the 2014 version arrives, it will also be copied to the Install share.

Software probleem op pc   howto

In case you have questions about system software or applications on your PC, and it is not easy to explain them by phone or e-mail to the helpdesk, you may demonstrate your problem at C&CZ on one of the two PC’s which are set-up for that purpose.