Synopsis | |
Begin | 2018-08-03 12:00:00 |
End | 2018-08-03 13:00:00 |
Affected | Network-shares on C&CZ servers, see list below |
Three of our main fileservers need firmware updates, this requires the servers to be rebooted several times. The shares will be unavailable for at most one hour.
Affected network disks:
45t acfiles acfiles2 acl-ru-nl$ acs4 aerochem afstudeertest afstudeerwerk akolkmandata albert amsbackup amscommon
animal arb astropresentie avd bbb-priv beevee betadidactiek b-fac-backup bioalg bioexamencie bioexamencierw bioniccell
bio-orgchem birds bko boltje botany-general carisma carta ccs4 ccz cczhelpdesk cczsecr cdalgemeen cdbiow cdisis cdoii
cdomw cdwinst celbio1 celbio2 celbio2 celbio3 ces2017 chemprac chemstaff cncz coastoffon cudotest cursus cursusdossiers
dbiwwr-ro dbiwwr-rw dcnadmin desda diafragma docent docenten ds ecogen ecologie ehef1 ehef2 ehef3 ehef4 embdata epsylon
erhvedata evsf2data10 evsf2data15 evsf2data16 evsf2data17 evsf2data18 evsf2data19 evsf2data7 evsf2data8 evsf2data9
evsf2schijf1 exoarchief femtospin fsr geminstr geminstr2 gi1 gi2 gi3 giphouse gipsy gissig global global global
gmi goudsmit1 goudsmit2 goudsmit3 goudsmit4 goudsmitoldusers grafting hfml-backup hfml-backup2 hfml-backup3 hfml-backup4
hfml-backup-inst hfml-data hfml-engineering hfml-secr highres honours huckgroup hybrids icis icisafstudeer icisbureau
iciscop icislaquso icissec icisst ifl ifl-d1 IJSO imappdir imappsecr immbureau immstaff impuls introcie invbio iris isis
isptinspec itt iwwr1 janvanhest kaartenbak kangoeroe khaj kolkteaching labservant lambiek leonardo licenses liquidhelium
liquids mailmanincludes marcurkasco master mathematica mathsolcie mbaudit1 mbaudit2 mbaudit3 mbaudit4 mbaudit5 mbbioel
mbbioel2 mbcortex mbonderwijs mbread mbscon mbsl mbwrite mercator mestrelab mi1 mi2 mi3 micord micro-bulk1 micro-bulk2
micro-labmembers mlf90 mlf90grp mlf90linac mlfalgemeen mlfsec molbiol molchem molchem2 molchem3 molneuro molphtec mol-secr
morph mpcoldmol2 mpcoldmollab mpcoldsecr mppstaf multimedia mwstudiereis neuroinf neuroinf2 neuropi nmr500data nmrspectra
olcbiocie olcbiow olccudo olcii-archief olympus onderwijskwalificatiedossiers onlyme ons orgdier orgdiermac owc owc1 parp
pcb plantkunde-hgl poliepC poliepD pracnat practica project1mpp puc randomwalkmodel rotax ruversatest secrmolbiol secrthch
share sigma sigmacies smol snn snn2 snn3 snn4 sofie software soheto solids sos spectra spectra-rw spibdossier spm spmdata1
spmdata3 spmdata4 spmdata5 spmdata6 spmdata7 spmmagstm spmnanolab spmstaff ssi ssiguest staff-hfml stroom studiereis2013
synorgchem tece teceleiding template-ru-nl$ template-ru-nl$ template-ru-nl$ tf2devices thalia thaliacies thchem tracegas
tracegastemp tzacad ucm unl vcbio_prive vergader vsc vsc1 vsc10 vsc11 vsc12 vsc13 vsc14 vsc15 vsc16 vsc2 vsc3 vsc4 vsc5
vsc6 vsc7 vsc8 vsc9 vscadmin vscxray wallpaper wikis wiskalg wiskunde wiskundetoernooi wkru zeegras