CPK messages are initially sent to the CPK mailing list, you can (un)subscribe via this link. You can also follow the service interruption messages via RSS using the link in the title under the RSS icon. If the CPK takes more time to resolve, any updates are published on this website.

For RU wide service interruption see meldingen.ru.nl.


Service Interruptions

1382: Science services behind eduVPN

De following Science services will be placed behind eduVPN. This means if you want to have continued access, you must use this VPN. De volgende Science services worden achter eduVPN gezet. DHZ/DIY SMTP (mail sending) LILOs Webmail If you have questions are experience problems with setting up eduVPN, please contact our helpdesk.

Updated Jan 30, 2025  ·  Wim Janssen · Created Nov 26, 2024

Resolved Reports

1205: Maintenance network Serverroom FNWI in Huygens building

The central network switch in the serverroom at the Faculty of Science will be restarted in connection with some software maintenance. Many servers and services are not available for approx 20 minutes.

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created May 1, 2017 · 

1203: Eduroam wifi maintenance

The RU wifi network (eduroam) will be unavailable on Monday evening April 24 between 23:00 and midnight for half an hour due to maintenance work.

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created Apr 24, 2017 · 

1201: Some virtual servers temporarily not available

An unattended update of the virtual hosting software (libvirt) triggered a netwerk stack restart. This made the virtual machines unavailable on the network. After a reboot of the virtual hosts (vos and wolf), the virtual machines were available again. Action was not taken immediately, because the alarm mails didn’t reach us, because the mailservers could not be reached. To improve this situation, steps are taken to route the alarms also via alternative channels (sms, whatsapp, signal, etc)....

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created Apr 12, 2017 · 

1202: Poster printer "kamerbreed" broken

The printer has to be repaired, but the engineer can’t easily fix it. We hope to have the printer operational again in the near future. A new one with service contract has been ordered, in order to make the poster service more reliable. In the meantime you might use the RU copyshop.

Updated Oct 20, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created Apr 3, 2017 · 

1200: Crash coma00 server

Coma00 serves astro0, astro1, astro3 and astro4 volumes, the server crashed on a kernel-BUG, Monday morning the server was restarted and service resumed normally.

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created Mar 12, 2017 · 

1199: Science and RU Internet network maintenance

Monday evening March 6, there will be maintenance on RU network equipment. On March 7 between ca. 01:00-01:30 no network traffic will be possible at the Faculty of Science on the wired and wireless networks. From 23:00 until March 7 02:00 there will be a period where no traffic between RU and Internet is possible. Please think which processes depend on network connectivity and prepare for this outage if necessary.

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created Mar 6, 2017 · 

1198: Science Radius down

The Radius service didn’t start after the regular reboot, restarting the Radius service solved the problem.

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created Feb 28, 2017 · 

1197: VPNsec upgrade

Update of Strongswan server software with extra capabilities

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created Feb 22, 2017 · 

1196: Problem with mail delivery from RU Exchange

Monday morning several employees of FNWI were affected by a fault within the RU Exchange design whereby they could not send their mail to recipients outside of the RU Exchange (i.e. @science.ru.nl, @cs.ru.nl or elsewhere). ISC had added two additional servers to the RU Exchange service the week before, which were not yet allowed to drop their outgoing mail on designated servers for that purpose. Not all FNWI employees using RU Exchange were affected, however, since four out of six servers were still functioning properly and employees using e....

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created Feb 6, 2017 · 

1195: Maintenance network Serverroom FNWI in Huygens building

The central network switch in the serverroom at the Faculty of Science will be restarted in connection with an software upgrade. Many servers and services are not available for approx 20 minutes.

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created Jan 30, 2017 ·