CPK messages are initially sent to the CPK mailing list, you can (un)subscribe via this link. You can also follow the service interruption messages via RSS using the link in the title under the RSS icon. If the CPK takes more time to resolve, any updates are published on this website.

For RU wide service interruption see meldingen.ru.nl.


Service Interruptions

1382: Science services behind eduVPN

De following Science services will be placed behind eduVPN. This means if you want to have continued access, you must use this VPN. De volgende Science services worden achter eduVPN gezet. DHZ/DIY SMTP (mail sending) LILOs Webmail If you have questions are experience problems with setting up eduVPN, please contact our helpdesk.

Updated Jan 30, 2025  ·  Wim Janssen · Created Nov 26, 2024

Resolved Reports

1364: Some network shares temporary unavailable

Some of our network shares were temporarily unavailable earlier due to a configuration error. The issue has been resolved and all shares should be accessible now. We want to assure you that the configuration error that occurred did not impact the integrity or security of the data stored on the file server. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. In the meantime, we’re working on making information about network shares readily available on DIY for your reference....

1363: Brief disruption to Matlab Licensing this morning

Some users may have experienced difficulty launching MATLAB this morning due to a temporary issue with the license server. We identified the problem and resolved it by manually restarting the server. MATLAB licensing should now be functioning normally. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

1362: Sieve difference(s) current mailbox server

After migrating to a new mailbox server on Sunday, March 31, we noticed different behaviour in the processing of mailbox filters (by the Sieve software). Firstly, the ‘include’ of global spam+virus filtering rules had a side-effect which has been fixed using a newer version of the software. Secondly, the default behaviour of the ‘fileinto’ statement underwent a change: previously, it featured an implicit ‘stop’ statement, but now it requires an explicit ‘stop’ statement after the ‘fileinto’ to achieve the same effect....

1361: homeserver home1 nfs problem

home1 had a problem with the nfs server after the reboot. Another reboot fixed it.

1360: mailserver will be replaced Easter weekend

In Easter Weekend (March 30th 2024) the new mailserver will replace the old one. The final switch will take a short while, during which mail clients (eg Thunderbird, mail on your phone, etc.) will not be able to connect to the science mailserver. (This is a week later than announced, due to some issues that need to be resolved before final migration) Central mail services (Microsoft @ru.nl) are independent of our mailserver and thus will not be affected at all....

1359: Ceph filesystem failure

Ceph filesystem failure. Services required for the CephFS filesytem cannot start. Failure of these services wil cause failure to access files on Ceph. We are in contact with our support party 42on to remedy the problem. Duration is currently unknown. Update 2024-01-22 We’re working with 42on on the issue and have a meeting scheduled for 17:00 today. Update 2024-01-23 An initial dentry_recover was successful and according to 42on the Ceph journals are OK....

Updated Apr 15, 2024  ·  Miek Gieben · Created Jan 19, 2024

1358: GitLab TLS Issue

On December 10, 2023 the main GitLab TLS certificate expired. A new certificate was generated, but it lacked a proper certificate chain. Browsers disregard that chain, but other GitLab components do care, which meant that the registry and the runners were unable to connect to GitLab. On Monday the 11th we renewed all certificates using Let’s Encrypt. Let’s Encrypt will also auto-renew these.

Updated Dec 11, 2023  ·  Miek Gieben · Created Dec 11, 2023

1357: jitsi videoconferencing unavailable

Jitsi (or actually the internal prosody service) had an old certificate, causing it to refuse startup after the normal reboot. The expired certificate was replaced and after a restart of the prosody service it works again.

1356: Network problems after maintenance on the RU core router

After maintenance on the central routers, our servers on the 25Gbit network couldn’t send traffic to the internet. The cause or nature of the problem appears to be in the central RU routing. By resetting the interface to our network, RU Connectivity can fix this, when it occurs again. RU Connectivity contacted their maintenance provider to investigate this problem. Final solution: After a few failed attempts, it was possible to define a static route in the central routers to our networks....

1355: Jupyterhub restarted

Some users were unable to login, the server had become unstable, which made a reboot necessary. Unfortunately, the jupyterhub service still needs a manual startup, which didn’t happen until 13:24 hours. The service is now working again. We are working to fix the reboot problem.