CPK messages are initially sent to the CPK mailing list, you can (un)subscribe via this link. You can also follow the service interruption messages via RSS using the link in the title under the RSS icon. If the CPK takes more time to resolve, any updates are published on this website.

For RU wide service interruption see meldingen.ru.nl.


Service Interruptions

1382: Science services behind eduVPN

De following Science services will be placed behind eduVPN. This means if you want to have continued access, you must use this VPN. De volgende Science services worden achter eduVPN gezet. DHZ/DIY SMTP (mail sending) LILOs Webmail If you have questions are experience problems with setting up eduVPN, please contact our helpdesk.

Updated Jan 30, 2025  ·  Wim Janssen · Created Nov 26, 2024

Resolved Reports

1094: Data/file/vol server (heap) problem

The server had a problem, which had started at the Monday morning reboot. A reboot of the machine solved the problem. Soon all data will be moved to a new server. This will not cause much problems for users, because everybody uses the aliases something-srv.science.ru.nl.

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created May 26, 2014 · 

1092: Maintenance wireless infrastructure May 19

At Monday May 19, a major upgrade of the wireless infrastructure and its maintenance tool (called Prime) will take place by the ISC. Therefore the wireless service (i.e. Eduroam) will be interrupted several times from 8:00 pm. Existing wireless connections will be lost and new connections will not be possible for some time. Due to the complexity of this operation this maintenance will possibly be continued at Monday, May 26, again with interruptions from 8:00 pm....

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created May 19, 2014 · 

1091: Maintenance Goudsmit

One of the systemdisks reported SMART-errors and will be replaced.

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created May 12, 2014 · 

1090: lilo.science.ru.nl offline

Lilo did not shut down correctly during the planned weekly reboot. After a hardware reset, the machine booted just fine

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created May 12, 2014 · 

1089: And yet again Print/phpMyAdmin server problem

Just like yesterday, a reboot of the machine was necessary to restore the functionality. Tomorrow morning, the server will restart with a new kernel. It this doesn’t solve the problem, we will look into a new version of Samba.

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created May 8, 2014 · 

1088: Yet again Print/phpMyAdmin server problem

Just like yesterday, a reboot of the machine was necessary to restore the functionality. We will investigate if we can remediate this problem with newer software versions (Samba, Ubuntu, …)

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created May 7, 2014 · 

1087: Eduroam problem

Some Eduroam users didn’t get an IP number, because one of the IP ranges had no free leases. This ranges contained all @science.ru.nl users. The ISC networking department first decreased the lease time. Now they also make this range free for use by @science.ru.nl users. This will prevent the problem from occuring again soon.

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created May 6, 2014 · 

1085: And again Print/phpMyAdmin server problem

Again a reboot of the machine was necessary to restore the functionality. As a patch we will reboot this server each night.

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created May 6, 2014 · 

1086: U-number authentication problem Eduroam

The new RU IdM system erroneously rewrote the RU password hash when data about a person changed. This primariliy affected employees of FNWI, because for this group the Science email address had been incorporated in IdM. This will make it possible to use the Science address as an external mail address when resetting RU passwords. When the problem was recognized, it was fixed swiftly by restoring the RU password hashes from backup....

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created Apr 30, 2014 · 

1084: Peage MFP Huygens building in maintenance April 28/29/30

April 28/29/30, the Peage MFP and the Peage POS near the restaurant in the Huygens building cannot be used. The ISC will then investigate whether Peage can also be made available for employees instead of only for students. April 28, the MFP will be moved to the test location, April 30 it will be moved back.

Updated Oct 19, 2022  ·  Miek Gieben · Created Apr 28, 2014 ·