CPK messages are initially sent to the CPK mailing list, you can (un)subscribe via this link. You can also follow the service interruption messages via RSS using the link in the title under the RSS icon. If the CPK takes more time to resolve, any updates are published on this website.

For RU wide service interruption see meldingen.ru.nl.


Service Interruptions

1382: Science services behind eduVPN

De following Science services will be placed behind eduVPN. This means if you want to have continued access, you must use this VPN. De volgende Science services worden achter eduVPN gezet. DHZ/DIY SMTP (mail sending) LILOs Webmail If you have questions are experience problems with setting up eduVPN, please contact our helpdesk.

Updated Jan 30, 2025  ·  Wim Janssen · Created Nov 26, 2024

Resolved Reports

1344: Increased chance of SPAM/phishing mails in Science mailbox

The RU contract with the anti-SPAM/anti-phishing service Proofpoint expired September 21, 2023, which means that ‘Proofpoint End User Digest’ mails are not sent anymore after that date. C&CZ is migrating Science mailboxes to the anti-SPAM/anti-phishing service of Microsoft Exchange Online Protection. There is an increased chance of receiving SPAM/phishing mails in the Science mailbox during this migration period. P.S. the RU central mailboxes (with addresses ending in @ru.nl) have already been migrated to Microsoft Exchange Online Protection....

Updated Apr 2, 2024  ·  Erik Joost Visser · Created Sep 14, 2023 ·  Erik Visser

1343: Science and Radboud Newsletter in Spam

The Science newsletter is sent from an @ru.nl mail-account. Recently, the @ru.nl mailservice was changed by adding Exchange Online Protection (EOP). EOP is the successor for Radboud University to the Proofpoint e-mail security filter. EOP added a mail header line to the newsletter List-Unsubscribe: https://c8ce19ec62454d21b73b7d5a25559d8f.svc.dynamics.com/t/lu/7... which made the mail appear to be spam to the Science spamfilter SpamAssassin. 1.1 URI_HEX URI: URI hostname has long hexadecimal sequence When we noticed this, we fixed it by welcome listing (allowlisting/passlisting) the sender address communications-science@ru....

1342: Some home directories not available

After the Monday morning reboot, the NFS server on home1 refused to start properly. We are investigating why a manual restart of nfs was needed.

1341: Missed RU mail due to stopped external forwarding

RU mail management let us know that yesterday the forwarding to external (non-RU) mail addresses has been stopped as announced earlier. Unfortunately, mail for several dozens of Science users was/is not forwarded to the Science mailservers. These mails can still be found in MS365 (RU mail), either in the Inbox or in the Deleted Items. RU mail management promised that the forwarding will be corrected tomorrow.

1340: cpu replacement vmhost06

Announcement of maintenance, Wednesday afternoon we are going to replace the cpu of one of our main vmhost servers, meaning vms gitlab9 (pep) slurm22 pep3 jitsivm poliep indicoimapp2vm pep4 mariavm01 smtp2 will be down for up to 1 hour. several services depend on the mariavm01 (websites, slurm), so they will be affected too.

Updated Aug 17, 2023  ·  Eric Lieffers · Created Aug 14, 2023

1339: motherboard replacement vmhost06

Apologies for the short notice, we are now going to replace the motherboard of one of our main vmhost servers, meaning vms gitlab9 (pep) slurm22 pep3 jitsivm poliep indicoimapp2vm pep4 mariavm01 smtp2 will be down for up to 1 hour. several services depend on the mariavm01 (websites, slurm), so they are affected too.

1338: Daily backups offline

Our daily backup system relies on cephfs storage, which is currently offline, see CPK#1337. This means that as of July 22nd we are unable to perform or restore daily backups. When the cephfs problems are resolved the daily backups should also be OK and restorable again. NB, this has no effect on the Monthly backups, which continue to work normally.

1337: Cephfs offline

After the power down of the Huygens building we are experiencing a problem with bringing Ceph file system back online. We currently do not know when the Ceph cluster is operational again. Update 2023-08-01 10:30 Ceph is working again. This CPK is now closed. CPK#1338 is also closed. Update 2023-07-31 12:30 After some more support from 42on, we managed to restart the cephfs, we cannot be sure all files are there, but almost all files are....

Updated Aug 1, 2023  ·  Miek Gieben · Created Jul 22, 2023

1336: VPN service downtime

The VPNsec service will be moved to a new server. This move will cause downtime and existing VPN connections will be destroyed. Downtime is expected not to exceed several minutes.

Updated Jul 6, 2023  ·  Wim Janssen · Created Jul 4, 2023

1335: Mailman disruption

Last friday, a change in the mailman configuration has been rolled out which had the inadvertent effect that mails were not delivered to external addresses anymore. However, these mailman posts were sent successfully to internal Science mail addresses. The change has been rolled back for the moment but is a necessity meaning that we’re looking for another solution.

Updated Sep 28, 2023  ·  Miek Gieben · Created Jul 3, 2023