This post is over 5 years old, it may be out of date.
General remarks
Initial Setup
Sorry, only the Dutch version of this text is available.
Managing the iPad
Sorry, only the Dutch version of this text is available.
Installing and updating apps
Wi-Fi Eduroam
The Eduroam wireless network is available in all campus buildings. It is also available in other universities, see Eduroam.nl.
Browse to http://www.ru.nl/wireless for all info and configuration manuals.
- When asked for username and password, this can be one of the following combinations:
{| style=“border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 0;
background-color:#ffffee;” cellpadding=“4” cellspacing=“0” border=“1”
| | Username | Password |- | choice 1 | u-number@ru.nl |
RU-password (as is used for Radboudnet) |- | choice 2 |
sciencelogin@science.ru.nl | Science-password (as is used on the
Do-It-Yourself site |}
You can check the network settings (blue arrow), it will show:
- IP address: an address in the range -
- Search domain: ru.nl
Mail and Calendar Configuration
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Science mail
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Google mail and calendar
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Google calendar (CalDAV)
Sorry, only the Dutch version of this text is available.
Exchange (RU mail)
Sorry, only the Dutch version of this text is available.
VPN Configuration
See the ISC VPN page.
Access to a Network Share
C&CZ Samba shares
This setup works in principle for all so-called “Samba” shares, that are also known as “smb” or “CIFS” network shares.
Off-campus you always need a VPN connection to connect to a share, on campus this is only necessary for a few more secured shares.
The iPad does not natively support Samba, so an app is needed. The example uses FileBrowser. An alternative is GoodReader.
The FileBrowser app can show MS Office documents, but not edit them. If
you want to edit these files, nstall the app Documents To Go.
FileBrowser can also show PDF documents.
* Determine the name of the fileserver. Some cases often encountered:
- Science home-directory: log in to the Do-It-Yourself website and look in the homepage behind “Home disk at”- This is something like: \\pile.science.ru.nl\mylogin
- Backupped network disk (sometimes called “volletje”) or a
web-server directory: on your own pc find out the network path
of this network share
- Through “My Computer” in MS-Windows, right-click the network disk and look at the properties: the network path looks like \\servername.science.ru.nl\sharenaam, with servername matching sharenaam-srv.
- Through the “Finder” in MacOS X, click the network disk and look at the properties with Command-I: the network path looks like smb://servername.science.ru.nl/sharename, with servername matching sharenaam-srv.
* Install the app FileBrowser
- Open FileBrowser
- Choose Menu
- Choose + to add a new network server
- Fill in:
{| style=“border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 0;
background-color:#ffffee;” cellpadding=“4” cellspacing=“0” border=“1”
| Address | \\servername.science.ru.nl (Windows notation) or
smb://servername.science.ru.nl (Mac notation) |- | colspan=“2” |
Click Show More Settings |- | Display Name | ‘’your own choosing,
e.g.’’ “Home” |- | User Name | Choose Edit… and fill in the
science loginnaam |- | Password | Safe is On demand, which lets
you fill in the password each time, You can also choose Edit… and fill
in the science password |- | colspan=“2”| Click Advanced Settings
|- | Enable NetBIOS | switched on - the warning can be ignored if
it’s a C&CZ-managed fileserver, click OK |- | Compatibility Mode |
switched on - the warning can be ignored if it’s a C&CZ-managed
fileserver, click OK |- | Auto List Shares | switched on (default)
if more than 1 network share is needed from this server, otherwise
switched off. |- | SMB Pipelining | switched off |- | SMB Port
Number | 445 (default) |}
* Choose Save, FileBrowser will check whether it can reach the
- A pop-up will appear if the password has not been entered before.
- Fill in the password of the science account and press Connect.
- If Auto List Shares:
- switched on: all shares of this server that can be accessed are shown.
- switched off: choose Add Share, fill in the sharename and choose Add.
- Navigation on the network disk:
- Choose a directory (folder) to enter it;
- Choose a document to open it, FileBrowser uses an internal viewer (Stratosferix) to show documents;
- Tap the document to show the menu below:
- Choose the “export” option to open the document in a different app, e.g. in Documents To Go;
- Choose + to bookmark the current document;
- Choose the “bookmarks” option to show all bookmarks, this makes it easy to switch between documenten.