Science login

Every employee or student of the Science faculty receives a personal Science login. This allows you to use services such as Eduroam, storage, computer lab PCs, JupyterHub and GitLab+Mattermost.

A Science login usually resembles your name and does not contain periods, capital letters or an at sign (@). For example johndoe.


All settings related to your Science login, like setting your password and managing groups, mail aliases, mail forwarding and vacation message can be managed in DIY.


After registration, students automatically receive a login based on the information from Osiris. Once the Science login is created you will receive an email with further instructions. This email is being sent to the email address registered in Osiris.

The email address that comes with your Science login ends with Email sent to that address will be automatically forwarded to your address. This can be adjusted on DIY.


If you want to keep the Science login while you are no longer studying here, C&CZ will only do this on request from the contact person of your study programme. Inquiries should be directed to the Student Information Point (STIP) of the Education Centre.

Employees, guests and trainees

New employees, trainees and guests receive a Science login at the request of the contact person of the department. A Science login usually includes an email address that ends with Incoming email can be read from our email facility, or can be forwarded via DIY to, for example, the address. For interns who are also students here, it is not necessary to request a Science login.


Please contact the contact person of your department if you want to keep your Science login while you no longer work here.

Request a Science login

Only contacts can request Science logins. Mail the following information to Postmaster:

login name Suggested login name. For example: ajakobsen, pieterb or janjanssen.
email address Suggeste email address. Usually something like
full name Full name of the new employee, guest or trainee.
U- or S-number In case of an employee or student. With this account you can also log in to DIY to set a (new) password for your Science login.
requester login name As a requester, you can manage the Science login in DIY.
private email address Only needed when the U- or S-numer is unknown. The private email address to which an initial password will be sent. This email contains instructions for setting a new password, but no mention of the login name.

Check date / end date

For employees with a contract and enrolled students the check/end date is automatically postponed. A month before the check date / end date is reached, the contact will be notified about the expiration of the login. If the contact doesn’t extend the check date / end date, the user will be notified two weeks later. When the check/end date is reached, the login is disabled. A month later the login will be removed.


If you want to give one or more guests temporary access to, for example, the wireless network or to the PCs in the computer labs, then there are several options:

WiFi guest access for one day Login to and check the instructions for Wifi Access Guests
Wifi for groups for one or more days Apply for Eduroam Visitor Access at the Library of Science or at the C&CZ helpdesk.
Science login one day Science logins for today are available at the Library of Science.
Science login some days Please request a personal guest login as described above.
GitLab/Mattermost login temporary Please request a Science login as described above with limited access to GitLab/Mattermost.
Science logins for groups some days Science logins for groups can be requested by mail at Postmaster. State the number of logins and until when they must remain valid. If the PCs in the computer labs will also be used, please also state which software is required.