Your personal quota only determine the amount of disk space your own data may occupy and the number of files and folders you may have on your Windows U:\ disk or Linux home directory. Quotas may be active on other disks as well, however not all disks have quotas. The mail servers also use quotas to limit the disk space of each user’s mailbox.


On Windows desktops where the home directory is available as U: or H: disk right click on the disk, then choose Properties to view the amounts of used and available personal disk space in kbytes.

For a graphical view of your disk usage you can use WinDirStat. On managed systems this utility is installed at S:\windirstat .


On Linux systems use one the following two commands to view the personal quota and current usage:


The output will show lines like:

Disk quotas for mylogin (uid 207):
Filesystem usage quota limit timeleft files quota limit timeleft
/home/mylogin 491585 500000 600000 14901 50000 60000

  • usage : The amount of disk space in kKB (kilobytes) currently in use.
    quota : The maximum amount of disk space available for you.
    On Linux systems you may exceed your quota temporarily (up to 7 days). For Windows however this is an absolute maximum.
  • limit : The absolute maximum amount of disk space you can occupy (see above).
    timeleft : The time left to get below your quota.
    If you wait too long (i.e. if timeleft shows EXPIRED), you cannot write files (new or old) until you’ve cleaned up to get under quota again. There is a risk of losing data if you try to write when the quota grace period has been exceeded.
  • files : The number of files currently owned by you.
    quota : The maximum number of files and folders you can have.
    On Linux systems you may exceed your file quota temporarily (upto 7 days). Again for Windows this is an absolute maximum.
  • limit : The absolute maximum number of files and folders you can have.
    timeleft : The time left to get below your file quota.
    If you wait too long (i.e. if timeleft shows EXPIRED) you cannot create files anymore until you’ve cleaned up to get under quota again.


If quota gives no output, you have a homedirectory on ZFS. The ZFS filesystem doesn’t have a softquota, nor a timeleft concept. To see the size of your homedirectory use df, the output will look like:

df -h ~
Filesystem                                                           Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on  5.0G  3.6G  1.5G  71% /home/mylogin

How to determine what your disk space is used for

On a Linux login server go to your home directory


The pwd command will show something like /home/mylogin.

Now type the following command:

du -sh * .??* | sort -h

This will produce a list of the files and folders in your home directory, each preceeded by its size in MB (megabytes), sorted by size.

Another command to sum up disk usage is

ncdu ~

Frequent culprits for eating your quota

In general it is caching, this is semi-useless, because caching is meant to be done on local storage, not your network homedirectory.

Python PIP

In general look here for pip cache commands. TLDR: use pip cache purge to clean up.


From the commandline use this command to clean the firefox cache: rm -rf ~/.cache/mozilla/firefox/*. Then restart firefox.

To reduce the amount of cache size used by firefox, go the the about:config settings (via the address bar) and search for browser.cache.disk.capacity and you may want to look at other browser.cache.disk.* settings as well.



The Roundcube webmail service offers a convenient way to view your mail quota and current use. The lower left corner shows the percentage of quota in us. Next to that, clicking Folder options, lists all folders. Clicking on a folder gives the option to Click to get the folder size.