C&CZ has been working to replace the current DIY website to make it easier to add new functionality to it.

This work included a rewrite of the website and a large part of our tooling to the Go language. Taking the Dutch term for DIY (Doe Het Zelf - DHZ) prefixing it with Go, this resulted in the codename “godzilla”.

A pre-release of this new website is running on https://godzilla.science.ru.nl. Note this site is fully functional (modulo bugs), so any changes made there are really being made to your science account. Eventually this version will run on https://diy.science.ru.nl.

New things that are already possible here, compared to the current DIY are:

  • More insight in volumes and their usage.
  • Seeing the configured rclones on volumes.
  • Viewing your SSH public keys (early preview).

We’re aiming to make godzilla the production DIY before the end of the year. The current DIY will be kept running on a different URL for some (as of yet undetermined) time.