All Science services down 15 minutes Thursday Oct 19 07:00-07:15 due to router reboot   cpk

The router for most Science services urgently needs a reboot. This has been scheduled for early morning. In the unlikely case that this reboot fails, ILS Connectivity is on campus to fix it.

VPN service downtime   cpk

The VPNsec service will be moved to a new server. This move will cause downtime and existing VPN connections will be destroyed. Downtime is expected not to exceed several minutes.

Updated Jul 6, 2023  ·  Wim Janssen · Created Jul 4, 2023

NetwerkInstellingen   howto

Network configuration Almost all systems connected to the network will by default use DHCP. This will configure the following settings: IP address and network mask Default Gateway for the subnet of the IP address Nameservers to resolve names to IP addresses. The IP address, network mask and default gateway are hard to figure out without DHCP. In specific cases it may be necessary to configure these settings manually, like when the hardware doesn’t support DHCP....

Netwerk draadloos   howto

Wireless network The wireless network that we advise to use, is eduroam. Authentication is done in one of the following ways: and RU password and Science password Employees of Science-departments can request Eduroam Visitor Access accounts, that give visitors access to a separate part of the wireless network. through C&CZ-Operations, tel. 20000. Every employee of Radboud University can provide a guest with access for the rest of the day, by providing the guest a day code (keyword)....

Network time (ntp)   howto

The system clocks on C&CZ managed Linux machines are being kept up to date by using the Network Time Protocol (ntp). Each machine checks at regular intervals its system clock with several designated machines on the network and adjusts their system clock when needed. Whenever the difference between the local system clock compared to the system clock of other servers gets bigger than half a second the clock will be adjusted....

Netwerk ethergids   howto

C&CZ Ethernet guide All network info is, mainly automatically, saved in a database. Some info can be looked up below by searching on MAC address, IP address, room number, outlet number or hostname. FNWI Ethergids Did you find an inaccuracy? Please contact us[contact us].