CNCZ Medewerkers   howto

Department head Bjorn Bellink Secretary Astrid Linssen Security and Privacy Paul Deimann Edwin Wijnhoven System administration and development Arnoud Thörig Bram Daams Eric Lieffers Miek Gieben Peter Van Campen Ben Polman Remco Aalbers Simon Oosthoek Tobias Cunnen Erik Visser Wim Janssen Application development Alexander Greefhorst Remco Aalbers Operations/Helpdesk/User support/datacenter Bjorn Honing Dominic Van Den Broek John Peters Stefan Reijgwart There also is a list of former employees.

System Development   howto

System Development and Administration System development and administration is located in room HG00.545. Who are they? Remco Aalbers Bram Daams Miek Gieben Alexander Greefhorst Wim Janssen Eric Lieffers Simon Oosthoek Ben Polman Arnoud Thörig Erik Visser What do they do? System Administration takes care of Management of the servers of the faculty and of various departments. Back-up and restore of the data on the servers. Management of workstations in the departments and in the computer labs and publicly available workstations: Managed PC’s with MS-Windows and/or Ubuntu Linux....

Operations/Helpdesk/User support/Datacente   howto

Operations/helpdesk is located in room HG00.051. Who are they? Dominic Van Den Broek Bjorn Honing John Peters Stefan Reijgwart What do they do? User support for students and staff [Installatie en onderhoud van de studentenvoorzieningen, met name de pc-onderwijszalen en openbare werkplekken][Installation and maintenance of hardware available for students, especially the computer labs and public workstations] General support of computer equipment in research departments Operational management of the datacenter server rooms Assistance for, or advice with respect to, [het installeren van PC’s en netwerksoftware][ installing PC’s and network software] [ reparaties van PC’s en printers][ repairing PC’s and printers]

Oud medewerkers   howto

Former C&CZ employees Jos Alsters Pauline Berens Mariet Bimshtein-Oskam Mathieu Bouwens Peter van Campen Tobias Cunnen Hans van Driel Marc van Elferen Wim Evers Aad Hulsbosch Willem Jan Karman Kees Keijzers Marcel Kuppens Hans Mahler Fred Melssen Theo Neuij Henk van Nieuwkerk Ron Sommeling Tom van der Sommen Khamba Staring Caspar Terheggen Joost van Wel