Electronic Lab Journals   howto

Beschikbaarheid van Elab software ElabFTW ElabFTW Chemotion TODO

Labservant   howto

General Account The procedure below only works for employees with an U-number. For access with an E-number account please contact labservant@science.ru.nl All employees and guests who need to access to labservant can obtain an account using the following steps: Request labservant access via the secretariat of your department, they can grand labservant access via RBS. After labservant access is granted in RBS, login to labservant using your RU account (https://labservant.science.ru.nl) During your first logon an account is created based on your personal data in RBS After a successful login (you should see the Labservant home screen), the lab-manager of your department can grant you the authorizations needed....