CPK messages are initially sent to the CPK mailing list, you can (un)subscribe via this link. You can also follow the service interruption messages via RSS using the link in the title under the RSS icon. If the CPK takes more time to resolve, any updates are published on this website.

For RU wide service interruption see meldingen.ru.nl.


Service Interruptions

1382: Science services behind eduVPN

De following Science services will be placed behind eduVPN. This means if you want to have continued access, you must use this VPN. De volgende Science services worden achter eduVPN gezet. DHZ/DIY SMTP (mail sending) LILOs Webmail If you have questions are experience problems with setting up eduVPN, please contact our helpdesk.

Updated Jan 30, 2025  ·  Wim Janssen · Created Nov 26, 2024

Resolved Reports

1263: Webserver 'havik' offline

The server went down in the same way as the previous time (3rd of June 2020). The cause is most likely a system board problem. This part will be replaced Tomorrow by a support engineer.

Updated Oct 20, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created Jun 17, 2020 · 

1262: Webserver 'havik' offline

by a website) and various websites. The server couldn’t be reached after the scheduled weekly reboot, not even on its management interface. Because also C&CZ employees work from home and the interruption didn’t get enough urgency fast enough, the interruption lasted too long, apologies for that. The support partner has been contacted and the server has been updated, but the origin of the problem is still unclear. We will also look at making these services more redundant or more easily movable to a different server....

Updated Oct 20, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created Jun 3, 2020 · 

1261: CN00 Slurm master ubuntu 16.04 down

Due to a failed BIOS upgrade, the hardware of the database server appears to be bricked. We transfered the disks to another machine (cn00) and all database services are now up again, at the cost of not having cn00 running. When the hardware is working well again, we will swap it all back and restore the original situation.

Updated Oct 20, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created May 18, 2020 · 

1260: Sperwer Database server storing

Due to a failed BIOS upgrade, the hardware of the database server appears to be bricked. We transfered the disks to another machine (cn00) and all database services are now up again, at the cost of not having cn00 running. When the hardware is working well again, we will swap it all back and restore the original situation. Update May 19th, 12:15 : hardware fixed, situation back to the original state....

Updated Oct 20, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created May 18, 2020 · 

1259: Jitsi.science.ru.nl not working properly

Due to performance tuning having gone wrong the jitsi.science.ru.nl conference rooms cannot be joined by more than one person at the moment. Solved by reinstalling server.

Updated Nov 29, 2022  ·  Simon Oosthoek · Created Apr 19, 2020 · 

1258: Mailserver certificate problem

The new certificate of the Science mailserver hadn’t yet been placed in the right place. The expiration of the old certificate caused a problem for Science mail users, that was resolved by replacing the old certificate.

Updated Oct 20, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created Apr 13, 2020 · 

1266: RU mail erroneously in Spam folder

March 25, a rule “2020 Radboud Universiteit” was added to the Science spamfilter. Recently, this matched RU-central mailings. Therefore RU-wide mailings from e.g. the RU Board and Radboud Recharge have erroneously been delivered in the Spam folder of Science emplyees. The Science spamfilter tries to fight spam and phishing, this is partly manual work in which errors can’t be excluded. C&CZ apologizes for the inconvenience this has caused.

Updated Oct 20, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created Mar 25, 2020 · 

1257: Unplanned GitLab security update

A critical security update for GitLab has been released and is being installed this moment. During the update, GitLab is offline.

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created Dec 11, 2019 · 

1256: Problems with a virtual host

The virtual machine host ‘oscar’ stopped running at 5:30am. The listed virtual machines are not running at the moment. We are working on it. Update: Resolved. Again, a broken LVM snapshot caused the problem.

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created Nov 5, 2019 · 

1255: Power Distribution Unit failure

A failed PDU caused the servers with a single Powersupply to die and restart after the PDU was replaced. Running jobs were not finished on these nodes.

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created Oct 23, 2019 ·