CPK messages are initially sent to the CPK mailing list, you can (un)subscribe via this link. You can also follow the service interruption messages via RSS using the link in the title under the RSS icon. If the CPK takes more time to resolve, any updates are published on this website.

For RU wide service interruption see meldingen.ru.nl.


Service Interruptions

1382: Science services behind eduVPN

De following Science services will be placed behind eduVPN. This means if you want to have continued access, you must use this VPN. De volgende Science services worden achter eduVPN gezet. DHZ/DIY SMTP (mail sending) LILOs Webmail If you have questions are experience problems with setting up eduVPN, please contact our helpdesk.

Updated Jan 30, 2025  ·  Wim Janssen · Created Nov 26, 2024

Resolved Reports

1214: OpenVPN not started at reboot

For yet unknown reasons the OpenVPN service did not start at the Monday morning reboot. We started the service manually.

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created Aug 14, 2017 · 

1213: DIY down due to hardware problem

The server of DHZ is having problems, while we are solving this with Dell support, all changes can be handled via us (tel: 53535) or postmaster@science.ru.nl

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created Aug 10, 2017 · 

1212: Emergency power failure Huygens building lasted hours

Saturday July 22 at 11:37, there was a power outage in the Huygens building, also for all equipment connected to emergency power. The power outage lasted long enough to leave even devices and rooms with a UPS battery backup without power. This included all network equipment (routers, switches, wireless access points) and all servers in the C&CZ large server room. When power returned from 14:08, several devices were defective: - Half of the fully redundant FNWI router was defective....

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created Jul 22, 2017 · 

1211: GitLab temporarily unavailable during upgrade

Because of a planned upgrade, gitlab.science.ru.nl and gitlab.pep.cs.ru.nl will not be available.

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created Jun 30, 2017 · 

1210: LibreOffice problem using Ubuntu 14.04

LibreOffice and other software suites using Java (jvm) internally are affected by the Ubuntu 14.04 kernel update patching the Stack Clash. It seems that Linux kernel developers, Ubuntu developers and JVM developers are working hard world-wide in finding a proper solution. Work-around ‘JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=-Xss1280k libreoffice’. Ubunti released a fix.

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created Jun 26, 2017 · 

1209: Fileserver needed reboot after fatal typo

Apologies. Affected disks: acfiles beevee bioniccell bio-orgchem celbio1 celbio2 chemprac csgi-archief csg-projecten csg-staf desda ds ehef1 ehef2 ehef3 femtospin geminstr2 giphouse gissig gmi hfml-backup hfml-backup2 hfml-backup-inst highres impuls introcie isis janvanhest kaartenbak kangoeroe mathsolcie microbiology microbiology2 milkun2 milkun2RenD milkun3 milkun5 milkun6 milkun7 milkun7rw mwstudiereis neuroinf neuroinf2 olympus puc randomwalkmodel secres2 sigma sigmacies spectra spectra-rw spm spmdata3 spmdata4 spmdata5 spmdata6 spmdata7 spmstaff ssi staff-hfml stroom thalia ucm vsc vsc1 vsc10 vsc11 vsc12 vsc13 vsc14 vsc15 vsc2 vsc3 vsc4 vsc5 vsc6 vsc7 vsc8 vsc9 vscadmin wiskalg wiskunde wkru

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created Jun 13, 2017 · 

1208: Server TCMR storing na disk-falen

Sunday evening, one of the archive disks failed. The data on it was lost, as it wasn’t in a redundant setup. After the weekly reboot, the server hung on this disk being broken. It took us a while to get the server up again.

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created May 29, 2017 · 

1207: Eduroam wifi behind firewall

Due to maintenance the wifi network on campus (Eduroam) will not be available for twenty minutes on Monday night between 10 pm and 8 pm. During those twenty minutes your mobile device appears to be connected with the wifi network but you will notice there is no internet connection. After this interruption the connection will be established automatically. During the maintenance period additional short interruptions may occur. Monday evening the wifinetwork will be placed behind the new firewalls of the Radboud University....

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created May 22, 2017 · 

1206: Network failure server rack

Switch es7-huyg-04-070 of a server rack became powerless after maintenance in the computer room of C&CZ. Restoring power and powering up the switch resolved all problems.

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created May 11, 2017 · 

1204: RU network maintenance (mainly fixed phones)

Between 23:30 and 00:30 the fixed phones will be out of service for about half an hour. Between 00.30 and 02.00 hours, a few minutes of internet interruption will take place. At those moments, RU services can not be accessed from outside the campus.

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created May 8, 2017 ·