CPK messages are initially sent to the CPK mailing list, you can (un)subscribe via this link. You can also follow the service interruption messages via RSS using the link in the title under the RSS icon. If the CPK takes more time to resolve, any updates are published on this website.

For RU wide service interruption see meldingen.ru.nl.


Service Interruptions

1382: Science services behind eduVPN

De following Science services will be placed behind eduVPN. This means if you want to have continued access, you must use this VPN. De volgende Science services worden achter eduVPN gezet. DHZ/DIY SMTP (mail sending) LILOs Webmail If you have questions are experience problems with setting up eduVPN, please contact our helpdesk.

Updated Jan 30, 2025  ·  Wim Janssen · Created Nov 26, 2024

Resolved Reports

1144: Brief network interruptions at FNWI

Saturday September 12, between 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., maintenance work will be conducted on the network router at the Faculty of Science and a number of server switches in C&CZ data centers. This means that between these points in time, a few brief network interruptions with a duration of approximately 1 minute will occur. Many FNWI servers will be unreachable at those moments. The Mitel IP phones will also go out of service momentarily several times....

Updated Oct 19, 2022  ·  Miek Gieben · Created Sep 12, 2015 · 

1143: Mailman mailing list problem

This morning we came to know that mails to mailing lists were not accepted by the mailing list server. The reason was a change that was made last Friday because of the new smtp server mid July. After correcting the change, mails were accepted again.

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created Sep 7, 2015 · 

1142: Network shares unavailable after reboot

During the move this weekend of network shares to a new server, an administrative error was made, that prevented the server from rebooting ok. After correcting this, the server booted ok. Affected network disks: acs4 afric afstud afstudeerwerk afstudTest albert bin bioalg bioexamencie bko BKO-TEMPLATE ccz cczhelpdesk cczsecr celbio2 celbio3 CuDoTest CURSUS cursusdossiers diafragma ecogen ecologie embdata evsf2data10 evsf2data15 evsf2data16 evsf2data17 evsf2data18 evsf2data19 evsf2data7 evsf2data8 evsf2data9 fsr geminstr grafting honours huckgroup hybrids ifl-d1 imappdir imappsecr immbureau iobw kolkteaching localdist logs mbaudit3 mbbioel2 mbonderwijs mbsynid micro-bulk1 micro-bulk2 micro-labmembers milkun8 milkun9 mlf90 mlfalgemeen mlfsec molchem3 morph mpcoldmollab mppstaf nmr500data nmrspectra olcbiocie olcbiowetenschappen orgdier owc1 parp petseq project1mpp seq snn3 snn4 soheto studiereis2013 sucudo-transfer tf2devices tracegas unl vcbio_prive vergader vsc16

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created Sep 7, 2015 · 

1140: Interruption public telephone network

Since 14:00 this afternoon it’s not possible to reach phones outside the campus. Also, only external phones on the KPN network and cell phones from all providers can reach the campus. For central RU service interruptions and planned maintenance, see the combined ISC/CIM interruptions page.

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created Aug 31, 2015 · 

1141: Water damage for pr-hg-03-825

A leak above the KM MFP hg PR-03-825 made this fail beyond repair. We hope to resolve this by replacing it by a little-used KM MFP of the same type.

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created Aug 31, 2015 · 

1139: Network shares unavailable during migration

Starting from 8:45h, the network disks will not be available during a migration to a new server. Affected disks: 45t, acfiles2, acs4, afric, afstud, afstudeerwerk, afstudTest, albert, arb, bbb-priv, bin, bioalg, bioexamencie, birds, bko, botany-general, bsweet, carta, ccs4, ccz, cczhelpdesk, cczsecr, celbio2, celbio3, CuDoTest, cursus, cursusdossiers, dcnadmin, diafragma, ecogen, ecologie, embdata, evsf2data10, evsf2data15, evsf2data16, evsf2data17, evsf2data18, evsf2data19, evsf2data7, evsf2data8, evsf2data9, exoarchief, flaredisc, fsr, geminstr, gi1, gi3, gipsy, grafting, hfml-data, hfml-engineering, hfml-secr, honours, huckgroup, hybrids, icissec, ifl, ifl-d1, imappdir, imappdir, imappsecr, immbureau, iobw, iris, itt, iwwr1, kolkteaching, lambiek, localdist, logs, mailmanincludes, mbaudit3, mbbioel, mbbioel2, mbcns, mbcortex, mbonderwijs, mb-read-write, mbsynid, mercator, mestrelab, mi1, mi3, micro-bulk1, micro-bulk2, micro-labmembers, milkun4, milkun4rw, milkun8, milkun9, mlf90, mlfalgemeen, mlfsec, molchem, molchem2, molchem3, molphtec, mol-secr, morph, mpcoldmollab, mppstaf, multimedia, neuropi, nmr500data, nmrspectra, nskpromo, olcbiocie, olcbiowetenschappen, ons, orgdier, owc, owc1, parp, pcb, petseq, plantkunde-hgl, practica, project1mpp, rotax, seq, smol, snn, snn2, snn3, snn4, soheto, sos, spmdata1, SSNMR1, studiereis2013, sucudo-transfer, tcbackup, tcscratch, tece, teceleiding, tf2devices, thchem, tracegas, tracegastemp, tracelab, tracelabdb, unl, vcbio_prive, vergader, vsc16, vscxray, wikis, wiskundetoernooi en zeegras

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created Aug 6, 2015 · 

1138: Server vos (gitlab3/redmine2/smtp2) preventive maintenance

The server vos will receive extra disks and need to be reconfigured. Virtual clients gitlab3, redmine2 and smtp2 will be offline during maintenance.

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created Jul 31, 2015 · 

1136: Network shares temporary not available during migration

Starting from 8:45h, the network disks will not be available during a migration to a new server. Affected disks: acfiles, aerochem, amsbackup, amscommon, beevee, bfac-backup, bio-orgchem, bioniccell, carisma, chemprac, csg-staf, csgi-archief, desda, ds, ehef1, ehef2, ehef3, geminstr2, giphouse, gissig, gmi, hfml-backup2, highres, impuls, introcie, isis, janvanhest, kaartenbak, kangoeroe, mbaudit1, microbiology, microbiology2, milkun2, milkun3, milkun5, milkun6, milkun7, milkun7rw, molbiol, mwstudiereis, neuroinf, neuroinf2, nfstest, nwibackup, olympus, puc, ruversatest, secres2, secrmolbiol, sigma, sigmacies, spectra, spm, spmdata3, spmdata4, spmdata5, spmdata6, spmdata7, spmmagstm, spmnanolab, spmstaff, ssi, staff-hfml, stroom, thalia, ucm, vsc, vsc1, vsc10, vsc11, vsc12, vsc13, vsc14, vsc15, vsc2, vsc3, vsc4, vsc5, vsc6, vsc7, vsc8, vsc9, vscadmin, wiskalg, wiskunde en wkru....

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created Jun 26, 2015 · 

1135: Server homedcc had old homes after reboot

After the server reboot on Monday morning, the changes to the home directories of the last two weeks had disappeared. It is still not clear how this could have happened. The backups of Saturday June 13 22:55 have been restored.

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created Jun 15, 2015 · 

1137: SMTP server problem because of too short keys

Starting a month ago, mail programs could get an update due to the vulnerability for a LogJam attack. After this update these programs refused connections with a server with a too short key. The old C&CZ authenticated SMTP server had such a short key. Users who reported this problem (with the latest versions of Pine, Thunderbird and recently also Apple Mail), were advised to temporarily use an alternative server. As of today using this alternative server is no longer necessary, because the server smtp....

Updated Jan 26, 2024  ·  Bram Daams · Created Jun 13, 2015 ·