CPK messages are initially sent to the CPK mailing list, you can (un)subscribe via this link. You can also follow the service interruption messages via RSS using the link in the title under the RSS icon. If the CPK takes more time to resolve, any updates are published on this website.

For RU wide service interruption see meldingen.ru.nl.


Service Interruptions

1382: Science services behind eduVPN

De following Science services will be placed behind eduVPN. This means if you want to have continued access, you must use this VPN. De volgende Science services worden achter eduVPN gezet. DHZ/DIY SMTP (mail sending) LILOs Webmail If you have questions are experience problems with setting up eduVPN, please contact our helpdesk.

Updated Jan 30, 2025  ·  Wim Janssen · Created Nov 26, 2024

Resolved Reports

1134: Services unavailable due to power outage

A short power dip interrupted desktop computers and some network switches without UPS backup power on the RU campus. It took approx. 20 minutes before the affected switches became fully operational again. A network switch at the Transitorium reported a failed module until it was reset around 8:30 am on Friday morning. For ca. 46 outlets/users the network didn’t function until 8:40. The UVB reported as cause a cable cut at the Kapittelweg....

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created Jun 11, 2015 · 

1133: Fileserver tcmr problems

Resolved by a server reboot.

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created Jun 5, 2015 · 

1132: Ubuntu 10.04 cluster / cn99 server problem

The server (cn99) which serviced SUN Grid Engine on Ubuntu 10.04 is no more. It could not find its disks while booting. This will not be solved because the machine is already more than five years old. Clusternodes cn67, cn74, cn75 and cn81 are influenced. They can still be used by logging into them directly.

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created Jun 3, 2015 · 

1131: GitLab server problems

A configuration error caused the automatic installation of an older version of GitLab (7.7.1) over the the most recent version (7.11.4). Because the GitLab version did not correspond to the state of the underlying database, what caused multiple problems. Among which the gitlab shell for ssh access and inaccessibility of some parts of the web interface. The problems were solved after upgrading to version 7.11.4.

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created May 30, 2015 · 

1130: License server reboot problem

Today the license server booted without configuring the network. The cause of the problem was an error in a configuration file. This has been corrected. Affected licenses: Altera Ansys Accelrys Genesys Hdlworks Idapro Xilinx IntelCompiler Ingr Maple Mathematica Matlab MentorGraphics Mestrelab Topspin Orcad Originlab

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created May 11, 2015 · 

1129: IMAP mail server upgrade next monday night

The IMAP server will be replaced by a new server next Monday night. During the night, no Science mail can be read from the server, because then the most recent mails will be synchronized to the new server. Mail can be sent in this period, but new mail will start being delivered on the new server from 07:30. A word of warning, one could login on the old server with the first 8 characters of the password, the new server only accepts the full password....

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created Feb 16, 2015 · 

1128: Network maintenance in Huygens wing 8

The configurations in the network switches in the buildings/floors/locations mentioned above, will be replaced. This means that both wired en wireless networks at these locations will be interrupted and network traffic will not be possible.

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created Feb 11, 2015 · 

1127: Network switch problem

Due to a configuration fault in a C&CZ server switch it became unreachable. Therefore some servers and services were unreachable as well (nameserver, mail etc). After a quick fix the systems were up and running again.

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created Feb 4, 2015 · 

1126: Power dip Huygens building Saturday, January 17

Saturday morning, during maintenance by UVB and Liander, there were a few short unintended power dips in the Huygens building. A large part of the network switches does not have a UPS and thus restarted. After 09:11 all switches were operational again. Background: January 10 and 17, maintenance has been carried out on the power transformers in the Huygens building. This work should be carried out once every 5 years. Because a power failure of 6-8 hours (duration of maintenance) is unacceptable for the Faculty of Science, last year bypasses have been constructed, to make the transformers able to replace each other....

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created Jan 17, 2015 · 

1125: Upgrade of license server

The license server still runs Ubuntu 10.04. This means that in a few months it would not receive security updates. Furthermore we want to use this server for DNS/DNSSEC/DHCP-service, which makes Ubuntu 14.04 necessary. Because this is a license server, we cannot switch to a new server, but we will place disks with the new OS in the existing server. Because this only means a small amount of downtime, users will hardly notice....

Updated Oct 11, 2022  ·  Bram Daams · Created Jan 8, 2015 ·