Hardware servers   howto

Servers and Workstations C&CZ manages ca. 900 Linux workstations and servers, and ca. 900 servers and workstations with MS-Windows, primarily in the domain science.ru.nl. Dual boot Windows/Linux machines are counted twice. The ca. 350 servers are distributed over three datacenters, ca. 150 have a fast network connection (25 Gb/s). Workstations C&CZ manages (for departments) workstations with Ubuntu Linux or MS-Windows. There are also workstations in the PC-rooms for general use by anybody with a Science login, but also by all RU employees and students and guests with a temporary login....

Windows beheerde werkplek   howto

General The ‘Managed PC’ is a standard Windows machine which gets installed with standard software. The installation of the PC runs fully automated without any user interaction. When such a ‘Managed PC’ gets installed an employee of C&CZ needs approximately 5 minutes to start the installation and to enter some initial data. Thereafter the installation runs fully automated and will be finished after approximately 1 hour. After a reboot the rest of the software is automatically installed....

Installeren werkplek   howto

Installing a PC When installing a new PC you have several options. If the PC is not connected to the network, C&CZ can offer little or no help to install your PC. You can borrow DVD/CD’s with a Windows Operating system and application software like MS-Office, etc from C&CZ . If the PC is connected to the network via a (PXE enabled) network interface, a fully automated installation of Windows with standard applications is possible....

Disposal   howto

Disposal Safe disposal of IT equipment and data carriers The FNWI Housing & Logistics (HL) department manages a contract with an external specialized company for the secure destruction/shredding of data carriers on location. The secure metal container that is used as a temporary cache, can be found at C&CZ as of September 2022. Employees and students of the Faculty of Science can put data carriers with sensitive data in the container themselves at C&CZ....

Terminal-rooms   howto

C&CZ manages a large number of machines that anybody with an Science-account can use. Students can also login to the PC’s in the computer labs, the study area and the library with their S-number and RU-password, in the RU-domain on MS-Windows. All computer labs are dual boot: during startup of the PC one can choose to boot Linux (Ubuntu) or Windows. Available computer labs The Science Faculty provides the following computer labs:...

Reparaties   howto

The repair procedure depends on the firm that sold the machine. Whether the repair is free of charge or not, depends on the precise terms of warranty (and whether the repair is within the period of warranty or not). Normally, PC’s sold by standard PC supplier Dustin have a warranty period of 3 years. But: be aware that this does not hold for all machines. Read the website of Dustin (formerly CentralPoint) carefully when ordering....

Huisleverancier PC's   howto

Standard supplier: Dustin (formerly CentralPoint/Scholten Awater) The standard supplier of pc’s for Radboud University is Dustin (formerly CentralPoint/Scholten Awater since March, 2006, after several European tenders. Limited selection The ISC picks a limited selection of tested products with often a favourable price. These can be seen via BASS at CentralPoint in “Mijn assortiment” as RU-laptop, RU-desktop etc. Website From within the purchasing system BASS you can reach the website of CentralPoint with RU pricing....

WacomOne   howto

Tips for Wacom One from teacher Sebastiaan Terwijn A few tips for the use of the Wacom One pen display. To connect the device, you need a computer with both a USB and an HDMI connection. If your computer does not have these, you will need an extra converter cable, for example HDMI to DisplayPort or mini-DisplayPort. My Thinkpad has the latter. The Wacom One is significantly larger than a standard iPad (13 inch vs 10....

Hardware werkplekken   howto

PC workstation Everyone interested in buying a PC will be interested in reading the information about the default supplier of PCs. C&CZ can help with the installation or do this completely. One can choose between MS-Windows and Ubuntu Linux. Information about the repair procedure is also available.