Operations/Helpdesk/User support/Datacente   howto

Operations/helpdesk is located in room HG00.051. Who are they? Dominic Van Den Broek Bjorn Honing John Peters Stefan Reijgwart What do they do? User support for students and staff [Installatie en onderhoud van de studentenvoorzieningen, met name de pc-onderwijszalen en openbare werkplekken][Installation and maintenance of hardware available for students, especially the computer labs and public workstations] General support of computer equipment in research departments Operational management of the datacenter server rooms Assistance for, or advice with respect to, [het installeren van PC’s en netwerksoftware][ installing PC’s and network software] [ reparaties van PC’s en printers][ repairing PC’s and printers]

Website   howto

There are three major types of web sites in use at the Faculty of Science: LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Perl/Python) and MediaWiki based general purpose web servers (possibly offering some high level content management system). These sites are hosted, managed and supported by C&CZ. All content management tasks are performed by the respective web site owners: institutes and scientific departments, student organisations, service departments, etc. Please contact C&CZ for more information about WWW_Services....

Faculty telephone and email guide   howto

Telephone and email guide You can search this guide for (part of the) name, phone number, room, department etc. If you are calling from outside The Netherlands first dial +31 24 36 and then the internal phone number. RBS Departments within the Faculty of Science can enter or adjust their guide entries themselves via RBS. All telephone contact persons have a login to edit directory data directly in RBS. The telephone contact person also receives the telephone cost specifications, can request or cancel changes and subscriptions and, if there is reason to do so, receives information from ILS about the telephony facilities within the RU (eg rate changes, malfunctions, maintenance)....

Software licences   howto

Science software licences negotiated by C&CZ All info can be found on the Science licenses pages. Questions: please contact C&CZ. Most software can be found on the install share. On a PC with MS-Windows (or a Linux “Samba client”), one can connect to the service: \install.z.science.ru.nl\install RU software licences negotiated by ILS ILS negotiated license agreements for the RU for a number of software packages. This makes that software relatively cheap (bulk license) or even free (campus license) for use by students and employees....

Crest   howto

Prerequisities Same as for gaussian set-up environment (check gaussian) General topics General topics like queue handling, queues and similar are covered in the gaussian wiki entry. Submitting jobs Basic syntax of crest submission script is following: cnorris@lilo7:~$ Crest structure.xyz where structure.xyz is the structure which you want to submit. More advanced syntax looks like this: cnorris@lilo7:~$ Crest structure.xyz -chrg 1 -uhf 0 -quick Here I’ve added quick keyword which makes the screening less in-depth but it goes much quicker....

Updated Jan 12, 2023  ·  Eric Lieffers · Created Jun 24, 2022

Address   howto

Visiting address C&CZ is situated in the Huygens building, ground floor, next to the entrance of wing 5. The room number is HG00.051, the systematics behind the room numbers is explained on the website of the [housing & logistics department HL](http://www.ru.nl/fnwi/ihz https://www.radboudnet.nl/science/faculty-services/faculty-services-d-tot-en-met-k/housing-logistics-hl/). C&CZ, FNWI, Radboud University Nijmegen HG00.051 Heyendaalseweg 135 6525 AJ Nijmegen Postal address Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen Faculty of Science C&CZ Postbus 9010 6500 GL Nijmegen Further questions or information contact C&CZ....

Printing workarounds   howto

Info this document needs to be updated General Péage is the print/scan/copy system of Radboud University for staff and students. As of March 2019 the new server is print.hosting.ru.nl and the print queue “FollowMe”. The Library of Science has passes for guests. General information can be found on the Péage website. On this page, C&CZ provides information specific for staff and students of FNWI. Terminology MFP: multifunctional printer (that can print, copy and scan) PrintNightmare problem workaround Since ca....

Labservant   howto

General Account The procedure below only works for employees with an U-number. For access with an E-number account please contact labservant@science.ru.nl All employees and guests who need to access to labservant can obtain an account using the following steps: Request labservant access via the secretariat of your department, they can grand labservant access via RBS. After labservant access is granted in RBS, login to labservant using your RU account (https://labservant.science.ru.nl) During your first logon an account is created based on your personal data in RBS After a successful login (you should see the Labservant home screen), the lab-manager of your department can grant you the authorizations needed....

ChemDraw Prime / ChemBioOffice   howto

Starting December 2022 the ChemOffice+ license is being replaced by a ChemDraw Prime campus license. ChemDraw Prime is a complete “entry-level” drawing program that provides all the tools you need to quickly create chemically intelligent, publication-ready chemical structures and reactions, laboratory notes and experiment write-ups. As well as a full set of chemical structure essentials such as rings, bonds, chains, atoms and functional groups, ChemDraw Prime includes chemical and lab equipment templates and handy TLC and Gel Electrophoresis Plate drawing tools....

Oud medewerkers   howto

Former C&CZ employees Jos Alsters Pauline Berens Mariet Bimshtein-Oskam Mathieu Bouwens Peter van Campen Tobias Cunnen Hans van Driel Marc van Elferen Wim Evers Aad Hulsbosch Willem Jan Karman Kees Keijzers Marcel Kuppens Hans Mahler Fred Melssen Theo Neuij Henk van Nieuwkerk Ron Sommeling Tom van der Sommen Khamba Staring Caspar Terheggen Joost van Wel