Contact   howto

For all ICT related questions and problems within FNWI please contact C&CZ. Helpdesk & Sysadmin phone room mail +31 24 36 20000 HG00.051 Visiting address We are located on in the front part of wing 5, ground floor of the Huygens Building (rooms HG00.051, HG00.509 and HG00.545). The helpdesk is available during office hours (8:30 - 17:00). During that time the office is staffed. Full address: Huygens Building, HG00.051, Heyendaalseweg 135, 6525 AJ Nijmegen...

Data storage   howto

Introduction In our Faculty, different types of data storage are offered: Storage class Description Risk for data loss Home directories Small (several GB), reliable, backed up storage for individuals low Network shares Larger (1-200 TB), reliable, backed up storage for individuals or groups low Local storage Not backed up storage on desktop computers and cluster nodes, likely to be lost in case of a hardware problem or when the machine gets reinstalled high Home directories Your Science login comes with a home directory of 5GB at no costs....

DIY   howto

The DIY server that C&CZ maintains allows people to control certain properties of their science account and change/view their used services. The pages here contain extra documentation for certain features. We strive to keep DIY intuitive and lean. Some things might require more explanation, instead of trying to fit this into the DIY website we explain those here. SSH Public Keys Ever since CPK 1383, SSH key usage needs “go through us”, to prevent phisher to update those keys as well....

Operations, Helpdesk, User support   howto

location Operations/helpdesk is located in room HG00.051. Type of help available User support for students and staff (General IT questions) Installation and maintenance of hardware available for students, especially the computer labs and public workstations General support of computer equipment in research departments Assistance for, or advice with respect to, PC installation and software repairing PC’s and laptops

High Performance Computing   howto

At the faculty of science, C&CZ manages a number of compute clusters and we have our own computer room with a few dozen racks for server hardware and also some racks in the Forum computer room. Financial model The faculty in general doesn’t own (m)any compute nodes, departments purchase their own servers (we can help configure these), which we install and manage during their lifetime. All clusternodes can be integrated in our SLURM cluster management....

ZFS Volumes   howto

C&CZ heeft een opslagoptie ontwikkeld gebaseerd op ZFS. Deze pagina behandelt de technische details en welke mogelijkheden er zijn. Dit om je te helpen beslissen of dit iets voor jouw organisatie is. Elke data opslag die we uitdelen noemen we een “volume”. Voor deze ZFS volumes geldt: Grootte: De volume grootte kan zo groot zijn als nodig; de enige imitatie is hoeveel disken we in een machine kunnen stoppen. Nu (2024+) kunnen we machines kopen die ongeveer 140-200 TB aan data kunnen bevatten....

Cleanup disk space   howto

You might have received an email that your personal or group network disk is almost full. This articles describes some tools to identify large files/directories and cleanup disk space. Finding large files / directories with WinDirStat (graphical, Windows) WinDirStat is a disk cleanup tool for Windows that provides a visual representation of disk space usage. It helps you to quickly identify and understand which files and folders are consuming the most space....

Carbon Connects   howto

Project: Carbon Connects Funding Party NW Europe Link to officiel website:

Disk quota   howto

Your personal quota only determine the amount of disk space your own data may occupy and the number of files and folders you may have on your Windows U:\ disk or Linux home directory. Quotas may be active on other disks as well, however not all disks have quotas. The mail servers also use quotas to limit the disk space of each user’s mailbox. Windows On Windows desktops where the home directory is available as U: or H: disk right click on the disk, then choose Properties to view the amounts of used and available personal disk space in kbytes....

Module command for optional software versions   howto

On C&CZ managed Ubuntu hosts, the “module” command is available. This makes it easy to use specific versions of available software. To view which modules are available, use: module avail and to use Matlab-R2023a: module add Matlab-R2023a` For more info, see the Environment Modules website.